Xi Riverview apartment for rent low floor 3 bedrooms with river view

For rent $1,500 / Month - Apartment
138 m2 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Print
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Please contact (+84) 919 46 2121 for exact price.
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– Using area: 138.6m2
– Structure: 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, balcony,… 
– Modern design, fully furnished 
– Saigon river view brings cool air 
Rental price: $1,500/ Month 
Xi Riverview apartment building with 1 floor has only 4 apartments, all apartments have their own walls so they have privacy, each apartment has 1 car space and 2 motorbikes. In addition, Xi Riverview Palace has a center for all common activities for the community: swimming pool, gym, yoga practice, Sauna room, indoor golf course, children’s play area you, luxury restaurant.

Note: Real estate products posted by Proviewland on Real Estate classifieds websites are only a small part of the total shopping cart and rental cart. (Limited marketing staff).
If buyers and tenants want to see more properties of the same project, with a radius of 1km (the safest level), the same area of ​​a radius of 3km (a safe level can be considered), please Visit website Proviewland.vn for more information. 



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0919 94 2121