Xi Riverview Palace apartment for sale middle floor 3 bedrooms beautifully designed larg

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For sale $1,052,631 - Apartment
200 m2 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Print
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Note: The above price is subject to change by landlord without prior notice. Price and availability have to checked at the time or enquiry.
Please contact (+84) 919 46 2121 for exact price.
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Xi Riverview Palace sells apartments on the middle floor of tower 101, with an area of 200m2, designed with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, dining room,… Balcony with cool river view.
Selling price: 26 Billion VND ~ 130 Million VND/ m2 – Negotiable
~ $1,052,631 (Exchange rate 24,700VND/USD)
Xi Riverview apartment complex with 1 floor has only 4 apartments, each apartment has its own wall so there is privacy, each apartment has 1 car space and 2 motorbikes. In addition, Xi Riverview Palace has a Xian center for all common activities for the residential community: swimming pool, gym, yoga practice, Sauna room, indoor golf course, play area for children. children, luxury restaurants.


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Call Now SMS Chat Zalo Whatapps

0919 94 2121