The Vista apartment for rent 3 bedrooms on the middle floor

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For rent $1,412 / Month - Apartment
135 m2 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Print
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Anh Chị Khách mua hoặc Thuê hãy liên hệ trực tiếp để có thêm nhiều sự lựa chọn hơn.
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Note: The above price is subject to change by landlord without prior notice. Price and availability have to checked at the time or enquiry.
Please contact (+84) 919 46 2121 for exact price.
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The Vista An Phu apartment for rent has an area of ​​135m2, fully equipped with luxurious furniture, apartment architecture includes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen and dining room,…
Rental price: 36 million VND / Month ~ $1,412 / Month (Exchange rate 25,500 VND/USD)

The Vista An Phu has a frontage Hanoi Highway, the back is located near the bank of the Saigon River, the area has a series of high end facilities within the metropolitan area meet the diverse needs of residents: Trade Center , elevator, parking, swimming pool Jacuzzi, park, gym, 24/7 security, …

-> PROVIEW specializes in buying, selling / renting (quick consignment) apartments Masteri Thao Dien, Masteri An Phu, Thi Tri: Virtual Dien Pearl, The Vista An Phu, Nassim, Gateway Thao Dien, Fideco, River Garden , Xi Riverview Palace, Hoang Anh Riverview, Estella Heights, The Estella, Cantavil An Phu, Cantavil Premier, Palm Heights, Diamond Island, Vista Verde, Feliz en Vista, Waterina Suite, The Sun Avenue, …
Ms. Yen Proview Specializes in buying, selling and renting The Vista apartment, Receiving consignment and fast sale, Selling and renting high-class apartments in District 2.
Tag: Apartment for rent in The Vista, apartment for rent in District 2, Apartment The Vista in District 2, HCMC apartments


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The Vista Project

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0919 94 2121