For sale $2,745,098 - Office
Anh Chị Khách mua hoặc Thuê hãy liên hệ trực tiếp để có thêm nhiều sự lựa chọn hơn.
* Đức Hiền: 0982 47 2121 | 090 727 6861 | 0919 94 2121
Building for sale in District 10, about 50m from Cao Thang Street, District 10
+ Location: Corner of 2 frontages of Alley 6m
+ Area: 20 x 15m
+ Certificate: 258.9m2
+ Total usable area: 1,365.3m2 Floor
+ Structure: 1 Basement + 6 Floors + ST. Currently has an 8-year contract of 190 million vnd/month
Selling price: 70 billion vnd ~ 244.8 million vnd/m2 ~ $2,745,098 (Exchange rate: 25,500 VND/USD)