Apartment for sale in Estella Heights high floor of T1 with 3 bedrooms pool view

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For sale $625,000 - Apartment
130 m2 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Print
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Note: The above price is subject to change by landlord without prior notice. Price and availability have to checked at the time or enquiry.
Please contact (+84) 919 46 2121 for exact price.
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Estella Heights apartment for sale high floor in T1 tower, corner unit with using area 130.6m2 with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room,… fully furnished. Glass balcony with pool view.
Selling price: 15 Billion VND ~ $625,000 ~ 114.9 Million VND/ m2 (Exchange rate: 24,000 VND/ USD).

Utilities: Near supermarket, near hospital, Parking, shopping center, gym, Swimming pool, near kindergarten, near high school, balcony, refrigerator, 24/24 security, air conditioner refrigeration, bathtub, Internet, cable TV, 24/24 convenience store.

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Call Now SMS Chat Zalo Whatapps

0919 94 2121